Night train in Europe
Here you will find everything you need to travel cheaply through Europe by night train: Timetables, the best routes, information on sleeper and couchette carriages and seats. And, of course, I'll also show you where you can buy train tickets from 29 euros.
The 10 most popular night train connections
Munich to Rome: comfortably overnight from Germany to Italy's capital.
Hamburg to StockholmTwo daily night train connections via Småland to the capital of Sweden.
Hamburg to Vienna: a relaxing trip to Austria
Berlin to Parisfrom the German capital to the city of love.
Brussels to Praguewith the European Sleeper via Berlin and Amsterdam incl. restaurant car.
Stuttgart to Venicefrom southern Germany to northern Italy.
Berlin to Zurich: good itinerary in the Swiss Alps.
Munich to Amsterdamfrom Bavaria to the Netherlands.
Berlin to Stockholmfrom Germany to Sweden with great connections onwards to Lapland.
Helsinki to Rovaniemi: to the very north of Finland, to Lapland.
Where do you want to go on your journey?
Save yourself the hotel costs.
Arrive relaxed at your destination in the morning.
On I explain everything you need to know about night trains. Benefit from my more than 40 years of experience.